All Commands

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Server Commands
Land Claiming

Server Commands

Plugin Command Aliases Description Syntax
Economy /balance bal, money Shows how much money you have in the chat /command
Economy /pay bal, money Shows how much money you have in the chat /command
Economy /payconfirm payconfirmtoggle, payconfirmon, payconfirmoff Toggle a payment confirmation before you send money on/off. /command
Misc /discord Shows the Discord URL /command
Misc /find Shows you what server a player is on in the network /command [playername]
Teleporting /homes Show a list of your homes. /command
Teleporting /home Teleport to a home. /command [homename]
Teleporting /sethome createhome Set a home for yourself /command [homename]
Teleporting /delhome Delete a home /command [homename]
Teleporting /renamehome Rename a home /command [homename] [newname]
World /compass direction Shows what direction you’re facing. /command


Plugin Command Aliases Description Syntax
Jobs /jobs browse Open job GUI /command browse
Jobs /jobs bonus Shows bonus active for a job. /command bonus [job]
Jobs /jobs gtop Displays a global score board. Use /jobs gtop clear to remove. /command gtop
Jobs /jobs info Displays informations about the given job. /command info [jobname] [action] [page]
Jobs /jobs join Joins to the given job /command join [jobname]
Jobs /jobs leave Leave a given job /command leave [jobname]
Jobs /jobs leaveall Leave all jobs /command leaveall
Jobs /jobs limit Shows how close you are to the daily income limit. /command limit
Jobs /jobs points Shows how many JP (job points) you have. /command points
Jobs /jobs quests Opens a menu that shows various quests for the jobs. /command quests
Jobs /jobs shop Opens a shop to spend JP (job points). /command shop
Jobs /jobs shop Opens a shop to spend JP (job points). /command shop
Jobs /jobs skipquest Skips a quest /command skipquest [job name] [quest name]
Jobs /jobs stats Shows your stats as related to your jobs /command stats
Jobs /jobs toggle Toggles a job related action bar /command toggle [option]
Jobs /jobs top Display the top workers in a job. /command top [job]
Jobs /jobs top Display the top workers in a job. /command top [job]

Land Claiming

Plugin Command Aliases Description Syntax
Land Claiming /lands accept land accept, l accept Accept an invitation to join a land /command accept
Land Claiming /lands assign assign, land assign, l assign Assign a selection to an area. /command assign [area]
Land Claiming /lands balance land balance, l balance View the balance of a land. /command balance [land]
Land Claiming /lands ban land ban, l ban Ban a player from entering your land /command ban [player]
Land Claiming /lands chat chat, land chat, l chat Join a chat with those in your land. /command chat [land]
Land Claiming /lands claim claim, land claim, l claim Claim land. Various ways to do this. Learn more about land claiming here /command chat [auto/fill/help/radius]
Land Claiming /lands claimlist land claimlist, l claimlist View all the chunks you currently own. /command claimlist
Land Claiming /lands confirmtp land confirmtp, l confirmtp Confirm a teleportation request /command confirmtp
Land Claiming /lands create land create, l create Create a land. Learn more about land claiming here /command create [land]
Land Claiming /lands createcamp land createcamp, l createcamp Create a temporary, 24 hour, claim. /command createcamp [camp]
Land Claiming /lands delete land delete, l delete Delete the current claim that you are editing. /command delete
Land Claiming /lands delete land delete, l delete Delete the current claim that you are editing. /command delete
Land Claiming /lands deny land deny, l deny Reject an incoming land join request. /command deny
Land Claiming /lands deposit land deposit, l deposit Deposit an amount into your land bank. /command deposit [amount/all]
Land Claiming /lands edit edit, land edit, l edit Select a land to edit. Important command as all following commands will go towards this land. /command edit [land]
Land Claiming /lands help land help, l help In-game help menu. /command help
Land Claiming /lands info land info, l info Open GUI with information about a claim. /command info [land]
Land Claiming /lands invites land invites, l invites Open GUI with invites you’ve received to join a land. /command invites
Land Claiming /lands leave land leave, l leave Leave a land you are a member of. /command leave [land]
Land Claiming /lands level land level, l level Pull up GUI menu that shows level progress for current land. /command level
Land Claiming /lands list land list, l list Pull up GUI menu that shows all the lands in the game /command list
Land Claiming /lands map map, land map, l map Pull up GUI menu that a map of claims near you /command map
Land Claiming /lands map chat map chat, land map chat, l map chat Display a map of claims near you in the chat /command map chat
Land Claiming /lands merge land merge, l merge Merge two lands together. Start by selecting a land with /lands edit [landname] then run this command to merge together. /command merge [land]
Land Claiming /lands player land player, l player Open GUI menu with useful information about a player and their claims. /command player [player]
Land Claiming /lands relations land relations, l relations Open GUI menu that shows allies and enemies. /command relations
Land Claiming /lands rename land rename, l rename Rename your land for a fee. /command rename [name]
Land Claiming /lands rent land rent, l rent Displays rent options /command rent
Land Claiming /lands selection selection, land selection, l selection Enter into selection mode. /command selection
Land Claiming /lands setowner land setowner, l setowner Transfer ownership of claim to a different player. /command setowner
Land Claiming /lands setrole land setrole, l setrole Assign a certain role to a player for your land. /command setrole [player] [role]
Land Claiming /lands setspawn land setspawn, l setspawn Set the spawn of your land when people teleport. /command setspawn
Land Claiming /lands spawn land spawn, l spawn Spawn back to your land, or a land you’re a member of. /command spawn
Land Claiming /lands top land top, l top Leaderboard of the top lands. /command top
Land Claiming /lands trust land trust, l trust Trust a player to your land, making them a Member. /command trust [player]
Land Claiming /lands unban land unban, l unban Unban a player from your land. /command unban [player]
Land Claiming /lands unclaim land unclaim, l unclaim Unban land. /command unclaim
Land Claiming /lands untrust land untrust, l untrust Remove a player from membership of your land. /command untrust [player]
Land Claiming /lands view view, land view, l view View all nearby claim borders. /command view
Land Claiming /lands withdrawal land withdrawal, l withdrawal Withdrawal money from your land bank. /command withdrawal


Plugin Command Aliases Description Syntax
Voting /vote help ? Lists the vote commands in the chat /command help [value]
Voting /vote Opens a GUI with all URL’s that you are allowed to vote on. Useful to see when cooldowns are over. /command
Voting /vote best Shows your best day, week and month scores in relation to voting. /command best
Voting /vote last vlast, votelast, Shows the last time you voted /command best
Voting /vote list votelist, vlist, vote all Display list of URL’s that you can vote on. /command
Voting /vote next votenext, vnext Shows the next vote site you can vote on /command
Voting /vote party voteparty, vparty See how many more votes are needed for a Vote Party! /command
Voting /vote points votepoints, vpoints See how many vote points you have. /command
Voting /vote shop voteshop, vshop Open the vote shop to spend your vote points. /command
Voting /vote streak votestreak, vstreak Open a menu to see your current vote streak statistics. /command
Voting /vote today votetoday, vtoday Open a menu to what sites you voted on today. /command
Voting /vote ToggleBroadcast votetogglebroadcast, vtogglebroadcast Disable the chat broadcasts about voting. /command
Voting /vote top votetop, vtop Open a menu that contains a leaderboard with the top voters. /command
Voting /vote total votetotal, vtotal Open a menu to see your total votes over time. /command
Voting /vote URL voteurl, vurl Open a menu see which sites you’ve voted on. /command
Plugin Command Aliases Description Syntax
Voting /vote help ? Lists the vote commands in the chat /command help [value]